Iran reliefs Venezuela of fuel shortage by sending ships loaded with gasoline but experts say that this not a permanent solution

 Due to the restrictions imposed by the United States, Venezuela has been fuel-starved for the longest time which has led to a series of protests against the authorities for not being able to manage the situation any better. Now with no options left, Iran was approached to supply fuel to the South-American country.

Iran was to supply three ships of gasoline to Venezuela out of which two ships have reached the fuel-starved country on Wednesday. On Tuesday, an Iranian tanker forest carrying 275,000 barrels of gasoline reached the Venezuelan port and a day later, fortune vessels were pulled into the waters. These deliveries were confirmed by Russ Dallen, who is the head of Miami-based investment firm Caracas Capital Markets and also looks after the shipment of the gasoline.

He said that by the end of this week, the third tanker loaded with gasoline will reach Venezuela.

Though a lot of the authorities have preferred not to say anything on the matter is given the threats from the Trump administration. But one of the solid critics of the Maduro government, Ivan Freitas said that even if Venezuela is getting gasoline from Iran, it will do very little to solve a larger problem.

As per an article in the Associated Press, even with the largest oil reserves in the world, gas stations are not functioning and are shut. Drivers have to wait for hours in long lines to get fuel. Many of the refineries are struggling The Cardon refinery is the only one now operating, producing roughly 20,000 barrels a day, he said.

Despite the terrible state of the country, the Maduro government is focused on blaming everything on the sanctions imposed by The United States. The US sanctions have definitely worsened the matter but the state of suctioning in Venezuela was destroyed way before these sanctions were implemented.

The US now backed Juan Guaido to replace Maduro from power. Iran has been helping Venezuela cope with this fuel depression and ignoring US sanctions to continue its battle against the Trump administration. Earlier this year also. Iran had sent five tankers with 1.5 barrels of fuel to the South-American nation which helped sustain the nation temporarily.

Residents are fed up with the government doing absolutely nothing to ease the inflation and thus had taken to the streets to protest against the authorities only to have been silenced by the armed personnel deployed by the government. 
