UN diplomat Jan Kubis met Haftar to help resuscitate Libya's peace process

 On Friday, the UN peace ambassador Jan Kubis met with Libyan military leader Khalifa Haftar in the eastern city of Benghazi to discuss and to help resuscitate Libya's ongoing peace process.

Libya fell into turmoil following a Nato-backed uprising in 2011 that overturned pioneer Col Muammar Gaddafi's rule. The nation has been divided between Field Marshal Haftar's forces in the east and the UN-recognized Government of National Accord in Tripoli. On Wednesday, Libyans observed the 10th anniversary of the beginning of that uprising. 

The UN Support Mission in Libya announced that Kubis and Haftar conceded to the significance of all parties in Libya working towards guaranteeing to go ahead with elections as proposed.

The Slovak representative announced that Libya was "back on the way of compromise and solidarity" at the discussions, the UN stated. 

Kubis met with the Field Marshal Haftar, members of the military commission, and envoys from the rival the Government of National Accord party. 

Kubis urged for reinforcing of an unstable October truce between the nation's warring armies that have offered Libyans hope following years of conflict and disorder between rival authorities in the nation, the UN added.

They likewise talked about accelerating the implementation of the truce in the country, the withdrawal of every foreign force, and the resuming of a road linking Tripoli in the west with Benghazi. 

Kubis also spoke with Libyan political figures in an offer to deploy UN ceasefire monitors and reinforce the new interim government's endeavors to join an isolated country through elections in December. 

Since the work began on February 8, Kubis has additionally met with various ambassadors and ministers from Germany, the UK, France, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, France, Turkey, Russia, Qatar, Switzerland, and different nations with a stake in Libya. 

Recently, Abdul Hamid Mohammed Dbeibah was elected as Prime Minister by Libyan representatives at UN-led discussions near Geneva. The members made a three-member Presidential Council that will lead Libya towards an important vote alongside Dbeibah.
