UN reported that North Korea and Iran Have Teamed Up
read an article whereby it was mentioned that North Korea has been funneling
millions of dollars stolen by hackers into nuclear weapons, according to a new
and confidential UN report. This report also points traces back and points the
finger to Iran.
This confidential document accuses Kim Jong Un and his regime of coordinating "operations against financial institutions and virtual currency exchange houses" which is used to pay for new weapons for the nuclear and missile programs, and also of seeking "material and technology for these programs from overseas"—particularly Iran.
This confidential document accuses Kim Jong Un and his regime of coordinating "operations against financial institutions and virtual currency exchange houses" which is used to pay for new weapons for the nuclear and missile programs, and also of seeking "material and technology for these programs from overseas"—particularly Iran.
According to CNN, it was one of several outlets (the AP is another) to receive portions of the report, which comes from the UN Panel of Experts.
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