Global Affairs Canada confirms release of Canadian nations from ISIS detention camp

Following the release of her daughter, a Canadian woman was released from the detention center of ISIS on Monday. The camp was located in northeastern Syria and was kept in the detention camp despite authorities releasing her four-year-old daughter. 

Former US diplomat and one of the top officials of the administration had a major role to play in her release from the Syrian Al-Roj ISIS and has been taken to Iraq now. Throughout the camp, relatives of the dangerous terrorist organization ISIS are scattered. Be it the wives of the ISIS leaders or their children, everyone is a part of the detention camp. 

Currently, the camp is controlled by the Kurds, as the majority of the area in the region is governed by them. As per a report by an Arab daily, there are nearly 25 women in the camp who have Canadian nationality along with their children and there are also approximately eight Canadian men, who are allegedly associated with ISIS. 

The name of the woman has not been disclosed for security purposes but it was reported earlier that she belonged from Edmonton and left the Canadian borders in 2014. Her husband was a member of ISIS and died fighting the foreign forces. A lawyer based in Ottawa Lawrence Greenspon confirmed that this is the first time that an adult has been released from the detention center. 

It was Greenspan who was responsible for the release of a five-year-old orphan Amira from Syria. “It’s very significant because all along Global Affairs Canada has been telling us,” said the lawyer while talking to the media. She also added that despite being able to release the women, it is not possible to repatriate all 40 pulse Canadians as that will lead to huge security concerns. 

The US diplomat Peter Galbraith was the third party behind the release of the woman and he is the same person who assisted in the repatriation of her daughter too. The woman had to relinquish her custody over her child so that she could be sent back to Canada where she will be taken care of by her aunt. 

The Canadian government also made it clear that they were only involved in the process concerning the child and that too was limited to arranging travel documents but other than that, they had no involvement in assistance to the woman. 

“Global Affairs Canada is aware that a Canadian citizen has crossed from Syria into Iraq,” said the officials in a statement. It is, however, unclear if the woman will face any punishment or what will be the treatment she will experience after reaching Canada.
