“There’s Still A Tension Despite The Positive Talk”

 I want to share something intriguing about what I read today. Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin tried to cool strains in the flammable US-Russian relationship at their first highest point in Geneva with the US president saying his Kremlin partner doesn't need another Cold War. But still, tension is being felt between these two. 

Looking at it, The two chiefs arose circumspectly certain after over three hours of talks, incorporating two hours alone with simply the Russian unfamiliar clergyman and US secretary of state. For me, The US president, who was finishing a tiring political visit through Europe might see that He and  Putin have investigated cooperating on regions where the previous superpower rivals have covering interests, including the Arctic, Iran, and Syria. Notwithstanding, Biden determinedly cautioned the Kremlin against any cyberattacks on what he said were 16 obviously characterized spaces of US basic framework.
