Preventing a proxy costly war in Afghanistan
The United Nations’ special envoy for Afghanistan questioned the Taliban’s commitment to a political settlement, telling the UN Security Council the war has entered a deadlier and more destructive phase. More than 1,000 civilians were killed in the last month because of an offensive by the armed group.
Deborah Lyons, who is UN Secretary-General said that a party that was genuinely committed to a negotiated settlement would not risk so many civilian casualties, because it would understand that the process of reconciliation will be more challenging, the more blood is shed. Without realizing the outcomes, US forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as a comeback for the 9/11 attacks. It was an unwinnable conflict from the start but still, the US fought tirelessly to shape a narrative that would justify its continuance.
Now as US troops have exited, Russia and China have stepped up their efforts to fill in the gap. It is because Russia is determined to secure the central Asian republics from terrorists and stop the narcotics trade. To add more gravity to the matter, they are also hosting a meeting of the troika of Russia, China, and Pakistan.
To ensure that there is no proxy war in Afghanistan once again, India and the US will also prevent the return of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and other terrorist groups. They want to e equally committed to save Afghanistan from plunging into a violent civil war, and also request for basic human rights which will be observed for all.
Also believing that with no boots on the ground, the US forces will no longer be called an occupying force. They will not be regarded as a moderate government that is welcomed by neighbors. Although if President Biden takes action on grounds of political will, then he will be one who will be looked at as the president who brought back all the American soldiers and also saved Afghanistan from civil war and a return to medieval ages.
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