“A Road of Discovery for US and Iran’s Response To Each Other”
Here’s something good that I want to share with what I read today. It’s about how the new exhibitions against the system in Isfahan show indeed that a greater part of Iranians most likely need their nation to take an alternate heading. However, the system's reaction again shows that it won't endure a danger to the advantaged position of the progressive world-class.
Looking at how Vienna arrangements are, believe it or not, proof not of global purpose but rather of the absence of a genuine strategy intended to address the truth of Iran as a chronic destabilizer of others and an express whose thought of territorial equilibrium is authority.
For me, I don't trust that the US (or the EU) has a Plan B. I accept Israel has one: But I don't think it is the appropriate response. Hard and supported control and prevention have consistently been the main way forward. In fact, Washington would be greatly improved by trying to develop a provincial framework on this premise, rather than trusting that Khamenei will debilitate. Is the Biden organization ready? We are going to discover.
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