Lebanon caught attempted drug smuggling to Saudi Arabia

 Lebanon has caught hold of an assignment meant to be shipped to Saudi Arabia after some of the officials found out that drugs were being smuggled with it. The internal forces of the country successfully controlled the smuggling of huge quantities of Captagon pills in a coffee shipment. 

The country made the announcement on Saturday confirming that the information division in the internal security received a tipoff about such attempts being carried out.  They investigated the whole matter and later on “special forces identified all the members of the smuggling network, including W. A. (born in 1973, Lebanese) and M. H. (born in 1962, Syrian). “

As per the latest development, it is assumed that one of the Lebanese smugglers is the same ones who were previously convicted. He was caught a year ago while trying to smuggle Captagon pills to the Kingdom. 

Given the severity of the situation, while releasing the smugglers, orders were given to monitor and detain all the members of the network and look into the evidence further so that they can find out where the Captagon could be him. 

The officials from the security forces also said that on three days this month, they found 4 million Captagon pills in a shipment of coffee bags and they were ready for transportation. The first smuggler however was detained when he tried to leave the country for Turkey and another smuggler was detained in Aramoun, south of Beirut.

After they were reportedly enquired about the incident, they confessed to the crime. The first one to be detained was the one responsible for carrying out the whole operation and transporting the shipment to the Kingdom.

Lebanon caught attempted drug smuggling
