Taliban leaders hold talks with opponent group in Iran

 On Tuesday, it was announced that the leaders of the Taliban from Afghanistan held a meeting with the opposing political group of Iran to understand the matter of difference. The group opposes the Taliban in power in Afghanistan. The recent talks were between the new Taliban rulers and the senior leaders of an anti-Taliban alliance from Iran.

The meeting was scheduled in Tehran on the weekend and it was the first time that two sides of the two different nations met so that Iran’s opponent force can also come into terms with Taliban leading the fold in Afghanistan. 

The minutes of the meeting were later on revealed and it was found out that Iranian leaders were informed that if they wished, they could return to Afghanistan and their safety will be taken care of by Afghan security itself. 

The statement was stressed by the Taliban-appointed foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in a short video where he addressed the meeting on Monday. Muttaqi said, “They can return to Afghanistan without any worries.” However, the Iranian side is yet to comment on the meeting and what was discussed during it. 

The deputy Taliban spokesman said that the current ambition of Daesh is to make sure that the future of the country is secure for all and for which there should be no reason for any kind of opposition. 

The anti-Taliban alliance in Iran is known as the National Resistance Front and is led by Ahmed Massoud who is the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the leader who was assassinated in 2001. 

The group coalesced when it came to know that the Taliban had taken over Kabul in mid-August as the Afghan government fled from the administrative block.

Afghan Taliban hold talks with opponent group in Iran
