Top 7 Facts About Arab League That Everyone Should Know
The Arab League has existed for more than 70 years. Today, we present to you the list of the top 7 facts about the Arab League that everyone should know.
Top 7 Facts About Arab League
Founder of the Arab League
The seven countries - Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen founded the Arab league in 1945. Now, there are 22 members of the Arab league.
Majority of Muslims
The Arab League countries also have an overwhelming majority of Muslim citizens. Most of the members follow the Islam religion. However, the Arab league is not united by religion. It is united by the Arabic language.
The main criteria for membership are the Arabic language
The Arab League is united by the Arabic language. Arabs are defined differently by different people. Arab people are determined by cultural characteristics, regardless of a particular race. Arab-speaking countries can join the league.
There are four observer members
The four observers of the Arab League are Brazil, Eritrea, India, and Venezuela. However, Brazil, Venezuela, and India do not use Arabic as an official or working language.
Three countries were suspended from the league
Egypt, Libya, and Syria were suspended from the Arab League. Egypt was the first to be suspended in 1979. It was readmitted in 1979. Libya was suspended in February 2011 because of the country’s revolution. It was readmitted in August 2011. Syria was suspended in 2011. However, the Syrian Opposition currently represents Syria.
423 million people live in the Arab League
Currently, 423 people live in the Arab League. The league spans a territory of about 14 million square kilometers, which is more than three times the size of the European Union.
Each Arab state has one vote
Each Arab state has one vote on the League Council, decisions being binding only on those states that have voted for them.
These are the 7 facts about the Arab League. What do you think about the Arab League? Share your views in the comment section below.
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