Egypt Has Recently Annexed Part Of Libyan Maritime Territory. The Story Behind The Egyptian Decree!

Egypt Has Recently Annexed Part Of Libyan Maritime Territory. The Story Behind The Egyptian Decree!

 On Dec 2022, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi the President of Egypt made an announcement decree on the demarcation of the country's maritime borders with Libya. By this, they signed to cut a large area of Libya. This step by the President is taken without consulting with Libyans.

After this announcement the recognized government of the UN – the Government of Libya showed its response and rejected the decree of Sisi.

"improper, not in compliance with the provisions of international law, and not taken in good faith" was the statement made by the Foreign Ministry of Libya during the time of decreeing the Sisi.

Notably, General Khalifa Haftar, an ally of the Egyptian government in eastern Libya, condemned Sisi's decree.

They asked the government of Egypt to withdraw the decree. Parliament's foreign affairs and defense committees deemed Sisi's decision a "violation of Libya's sovereignty and the country's maritime borders".

The incident was one of the rare moments in which the two main warring parties in Libya agreed on one point, but it is not clear yet whether the allies of Cairo in the part of the eastern region of Libya have taken steps for interest or not! Because there can be another fact about Egypt's move to cut off part of Libya's maritime territory.

At the regional level, Greece celebrated the decision of Egypt to encroach on the maritime borders of Libya.

It is a thing to note that Greece has had disputes with both Libya and Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean area since the time of the second Libyan civil war. And always Greece supported Haftar, who was convicted of war crimes by a US court. Russia and Egypt supported this, and Dandias' trip to Libya lighted a new conflict between Athens & Tripoli. Ministers of Greece showed their sadness and anger toward Russia.

Greek is claiming that Sisi's decree invalidates the effects of the 2019 Turkey-Libya delimitation agreement submitted to the United Nations. Turkey is urging Both Greece and Egypt to start negotiations.

Sisi has a history of keeping eye on the fortunes of oil-rich Arab countries. In 2015 the news was that Sisi was laughing at GCC.

Sisi is trying to find ways to increase the resources of the country by following its traditional way. So Sisi is planning to capture Libyan territory and will sell them to the public as a cheap and swift victory. Though it is another fact that by doing this they will not get any support for their own country from the nation.

But it can complicate the Libyan crisis and the Libyan-Egyptian relations or the whole Eastern Mediterranean region. 
