‘Axis of impunity’: Putin-Kim deal underlines new challenges to world order

‘Axis of impunity’: Putin-Kim deal underlines new challenges to world order

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un showcased their strengthened alliance shortly after signing a new comprehensive strategic partnership between their countries. The display of camaraderie included a joint ride in a Russian-made Aurus limousine.

In a carefully orchestrated public relations move, Putin initially took the wheel while Kim sat beside him, both smiling broadly. After a brief stop, they swapped seats as a white-gloved aide opened the car doors.

Robert Dover, a professor of intelligence and national security at the University of Hull, noted a visible rapport between the two leaders in photographs from the visit, describing it as displaying "genuine empathy."

The new agreement, which includes a mutual defense pact, marks a significant shift in relations since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Previously, Moscow had aligned with the international community in curbing Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs. Now, it overtly supports North Korea, signaling a departure from past diplomatic norms.

Commenting on the agreement, Eugene Rumer, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment, observed that embracing the North Korean leader aligns with Putin's strategic direction following his Ukraine campaign, despite its repercussions on Russia's global standing and relationships.

The pact replaces the 2000 Friendship, Cooperation, and Good Neighborliness Treaty and echoes the spirit of the 1961 Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance from the Soviet era. Alongside the defense alliance, the agreement covers healthcare, medical education, scientific cooperation, and plans for infrastructure development like a road bridge over the Tumen River.

North Korean state media released the full text, with Kim describing the deal as an "alliance" and praising Russia as his country's "most honest friend and ally." In contrast, Putin, greeted warmly in Pyongyang, characterized the agreement as a "breakthrough document" elevating bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, the United States and South Korea have accused North Korea of illicitly supplying weapons to aid Russia's war efforts in Ukraine. UN inspectors reported finding remnants of North Korean missiles in Kharkiv, underscoring Moscow's technological collaboration with Pyongyang.

Some analysts view this agreement as part of a growing anti-Western bloc challenging the rules-based international order established post-World War II. Others caution that such alliances, rooted in strategic interests, lack the stability of traditional US-led alliances in the Asia-Pacific region.

Reflecting on broader geopolitical implications, experts note China's role as North Korea's historic ally and its burgeoning ties with Russia, highlighted by Putin's recent visit to Beijing. China, Russia's top trading partner, has refrained from condemning Moscow's actions in Ukraine, signaling alignment in reshaping global power dynamics.

As global dynamics evolve, observers emphasize the importance of understanding these bilateral and regional shifts, suggesting a reconfigured global order with implications for Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

The drive in the Aurus not only symbolized the leaders' closeness but also underscored Russia's readiness to challenge international sanctions, marking a pivotal moment in geopolitical strategy.
