Bangladesh suspends job reservations after student protests

Bangladesh suspends job reservations after student protests

 Bangladesh's top court temporarily suspended quotas for government jobs on July 10 following widespread student protests against what they perceive as a discriminatory system, lawyers reported.

The quota system allocates more than half of well-paid and highly sought-after civil service positions to specific groups, including children of liberation heroes.

Earlier this month, students began protesting for a merit-based system, with demonstrations that included blocking highways and railway lines on Wednesday.

"We will continue our protests until our demand is met," said Rasel Ahmed, a protest leader from Chittagong University, speaking to AFP.

The quota system was initially abolished in 2018 after extensive protests but was reinstated by Dhaka's High Court in June, sparking renewed outrage among students.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court suspended the reinstatement order for a month, according to lawyer Shah Monjurul Hoque, who represents students advocating for the end of the quota system.

Mr. Hoque added that Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan urged students to return to their classes.

Despite this call, student groups persisted in blocking major highways and railway tracks, disrupting traffic in Dhaka and several other major cities.

"This court order is temporary. We are demanding a permanent executive order from the government abolishing quotas, except those for the disabled and minorities," said Parvez Mosharraf, a student at Dhaka University.

He was among many students who obstructed train services by placing logs on railway tracks at Dhaka's Karwan Bazar.

The quota system currently reserves 30% of government jobs for the children of those who fought for Bangladesh's independence in 1971, with additional quotas for women, specific districts, ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals.

"We oppose job quotas for women because they no longer need them," stated Meena Rani Das, a 22-year-old female student. "Women are advancing on their own merits, but the quota system is hindering our progress and depriving us of our rights."

Critics argue that the system favors children of pro-government factions supporting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, whose father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was Bangladesh's founding leader.

Ms. Hasina, who secured her fourth consecutive general election victory in January amidst allegations of an unfair electoral process, criticized the protests, asserting that the matter had been resolved by the courts.

"Students are wasting their time," Ms. Hasina remarked, dismissing the anti-quota movement as unjustified.

On Wednesday, thousands of students erected barricades at major intersections in Dhaka and blocked highways linking the capital to other cities, according to police reports.

"Brilliant students are missing out on their preferred jobs because of this quota system," lamented Halimatuz Sadia, a physics student and protester from Chittagong University. "You work hard, only to discover that the opportunities available to you are limited."
